Autonomous Vehicles Club

AVGCC is Glendale Community College's first autonomous vehicles program.

Develop Your Skills

AVGCC places a large emphasis on hands-on projects and error-based learning, allowing you to work first-hand with autonomous systems, developing your skills in software, hardware, and/or electrical aspects.

Gain Credibility and Experience

Recruiters at today's largest tech firms seek students who both demonstrate passion towards their field while have plenty of experience to speak of. AVGCC is a fantastic opportunity for students to build credible experience for your next internship application resume.

Build Industry Connections

A large part of AVGCC's motive is to connect our members with the current robotics industry today. AVGCC frequently holds events that do this, allowing you to talk first-hand with entrepreneurs and important individuals in the robotics industry.

AVGCC's Fall 2023 Goals

40+ Members

By the end of the Fall 2023 Semester.

Delivery Bot Fleet

AVGCC aims to build and program three food delivery bots for club members to work with and program.

2 Community Events

AVGCC wishes to engage with the community on a public level at least twice this semester, showcasing our work and progress.

Ready to begin your journey at AVGCC?

You can join AVGCC as a member or apply for an executive position at the link below.